Well No. 103 Barinovskiy – Lebyazhye deposits of JSC "Samaraneftegaz"

In the period from 26 November to 1 December, works on cutting out the "window" in the production string at the well No. 103 Barinovskiy – Lebyazhye deposits of JSC "Samaraneftegaz". The work was carried out in a column with a diameter of 139.7 mm at a depth of 1800m. The curvature of the parent wellbore was more than 16 degrees, but despite the difficult conditions, the professionalism of the drilling crew No. 1 LLC "LED-Petroleum" and specialists LLC "INNOIL" 's took up so those tasks are done with the sign "+".

Автор: Gainullin R.

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