LLC "Argos-Cours" has become our new partner!

Drilling company, LLC "Argos-Cours" after reviewing the experimental work on the elimination of stuck pipe in wells, drilling of which was made by the teams of LLC "Leninogorskneft" on the fields of JSC "Tatneft", where traditional methods (setting of the oil bath, the acid injection) sticking to liquidate failed. Namely:

"March 14, 2011 at well number 701 Berezinsky lifting when lifting the BHA in the range of 440 – 460 m any sticking of the drilling tool, torque was up to 38 tons, the unloading of landing to – 0 tons. Being the stuck tool with a hook load of 25 tons and unloading to 0 tons, with washing the clay with a solution, technical water and setting the oil bath to no avail.

On March 15, 2011 at 17.40 produced by injecting the first portion of responsereader reagent PP in the amount of 360 kg (V-3.6 m3). After 2 hours, was added a second portion responsereader reagent PP in the amount of 360 kg (V-3.6 m3). When being stuck tool, with hook load – 25тонн, with unloading to 0 tons, at 22.40 freed tool.

July 11, 2011 during the drilling of well No. 526Д occurred sticking of the drilling tool in the range of 700 – 860 m. set oil bath with being the drilling tool gave no results.

12 Jul uploaded 300 kg (3,0 m3) aqueous solution responsereader reagent PP and within three hours, eliminated the sticking.

21 Oct 2012 with the elimination of absorption at well No. 4848 Beslanskogo deposits have occurred sticking of the drilling tool. Washing with the BHA being and attempt rotation of the rotor with a total weight of BHA 27 – 28тонн to 55 – 60 tons of result did not give. Made a fix of commercial oil \/=5 m3. Parking under the oil bath being at BHA BHA total weight 27 – 28 tonnes to 60 – 65тонн the result is not given. October 22, at 15.00 in the well was added a solution of responsereader reagent PP in the amount of 400 kg (4.0 m3). In the process of reaction produced being at BHA BHA total weight 27 – 28 tonnes to 60 – 65 tonnes. Exemption from sticking at 18.10."

Purchased reagent RR-D in the amount of 1000 kg. For the elimination of differential sticking during the drilling process.

Автор: Idiyatullin A.

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